Overhaul and maintenance of drilling and oilfield equipment
About the service
RKS LLC carries out overhaul and maintenance of drilling and oilfield equipment, Russian and foreign production for the oil production and oil refining industries.
Under repair, it is necessary to understand a set of measures to restore the serviceability (operability) of products and their components.
The maintenance and repair system provides for the implementation of two types of repairs according to the degree of resource recovery:
- current repair ;
- overhaul
Current repair is carried out in the process and at the place of operation of the equipment in order to ensure guaranteed operability. During TR, partial disassembly of machines, repair of individual components or replacement of wear parts, assembly and adjustment are carried out. Faulty components removed from the equipment are sent to a repair base or repair shop.
Overhaul is a repair performed to restore operability and complete (or close to complete) restoration of the machine's resource with the replacement or repair of any of its parts, including basic ones. Overhaul is produced in the workshops of central production service bases, at repair and mechanical plants. The equipment is delivered to overhaul in accordance with the schedule of repairs.